Death Knell for the Church

I saw a headline that read, “The Death of Christianity in the U.S.” and I had one reaction…

Let it die, y’all.

Let the church die. Let American Christianity die. Let it die; let it die; let it die.

Let our thirst for power, control and cultural relevance die. Let our meeting halls built with walls of racism and xenophobia and nationalism die. Let our defenses of men who abuse and harass die. Let our love of money and status and privilege die. Let our self-righteous, works-righteous lines-in-the-sand die. Let our wishy-washy, lukewarm religiosity die. Let our cliques and our gossip and our resentments die. Let our blonde blue-eyed American Jesus die. Let our victim-blaming, criminal-shaming attitudes die. Let our obsession with “right doctrine” and “right behavior” and “right worship” die. Let the church die.


Because it needs to. Because God raises the dead.

Because out of drowning cleansing waters flows justice and righteousness. Out of ashes, new growth springs.

The chaff is ready to be thrown out. And in its place, God will gather and heal wounded people. Even where just two or three are gathered, God will be their shelter and their sanctuary.

God will cross open borders and enter open homes and stir up open hearts. God will let die what needs to die so that the body of Christ will live.

So let Christianity in the U.S. die y’all. Because then the Church….she will live.

2 thoughts on “Death Knell for the Church

  1. Let standing for nothing die. The church will be reborn when we preach love and law. Love without discipline is indulgence and it is this indulgence that is destroying the church and the world.

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